Friday, 16 August 2013

Wargaming Releases in 2013..

Currently there would appear to be a lot of activity across the board as various manufacturers and game systems provide updates, expansions, supplements and new additions to numerous ranges.

GW appears to have dramatically changed tact this year offering a very much sped up schedule for updating the Codex for 6th edition as well as the addition of supplements , which based upon rumour would warrant several more in the next few months. Even the poorer cousin of Warhammer ( WFB) is seeing additional army books, perhaps more balanced than ever before in a gaming sense and fluff sense...

Too many times I see comments by gamers apparently moaning and complaining that their army has nerfed or someone elses army is  broken beyond repair but is this really the case for WFB and WH40K? Too many times, it seems, are people looking for that "auto win", the one button or combo that gurantees victory.. the holy grail. The reproach would be that good generals win games and make good  use of the army at their disposal , a good general does not make a bad army good??...

In short, the game is and should be , firstly played for fun, so calm down on being so serious..its  not real and the end of the world will not happen because your Chaos Warriors were flattened by rocks and bolts from the greenskin horde or the Skaven that blew themselves up rather than their enemy. I do not and never have played tournaments and probably never will, especially with the over zealous "comping" sometimes seen in various competitions, worse case the game is no longer Warhammer when it dicates what can and cannot be taken.

The current meta allows for monstrous beasts and cavalry, allowing GW ti produce larger models than previous and take the system to another level. The cynical retort that GW wants to charge more and force people to spend more, on one hand, yes - absolutely , they are a business and need to make profits. On the other hand you don't have to buy it or if you do, buy in a way that works for you. Independent stores and the internet allow for discounts of around 10-25%, perhaps 30% at times, but choose carefully as not all merchants offer the same level of service and delivery. Certainly true in the UK where a couple of names are well known for good discounts but delivery of around 3-4 weeks+ with little or poor communication, whilst on the other hand other traders exist that offer delivery within 24 hours and still offer good discounts and loyalty schemes.

I for one, happily use Element Games and would strongly recommend to anyone else , for items available I have NEVER seen delivery over 24 hours.

So whereas GW appears to be stepping up, also adding to E-codexs, both as e-books and interactive books through iOS, kicking out new army book/codex, supplements and new model kits they are not alone.

Privateer Press are also expanding the world of Warmachine and Hordes with version 2 after 10 years, new models, new supplements with Dropzone commander also releasing a 2 player starter set. Fantasy Flight games also are working hard with new releases of legacy games such as Talisman ( yes, I played that one back in early edition) and one of my favourites "X-wing". Way too many to list as monetary funds ( for all of us!) is limited so I try to avoid temptation and stick to core systems, namely Warhammer and  now X-wing. Both Warhammer games have multiple armies and fortunately for WFB I have my new books and for WH40K await the Space Wolves in 2014, NOT the new SM book ( I hope!)...

So next time you are commenting on forums or threads or just having a discussion, remember to focus on the positives and what drives the hobby which over the years has migrated to computer and console games, the big screen in some cases  or perhaps in the future. If Bilbo Baggins could write his sign of choice , n doubt it would be "No Trolls allowed.."

Until next time..

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