Friday, 30 August 2013

Games Workshop: NEW Space Marine Releases

Officially as per time of typing there is 20 minutes remaining before the "official" release of notification at least covering the new Space Marine release with the brand spanking new codex and an assortment of miniatures.

For what will undoubtedly be GW biggest release for WH40K since the new edition came out last year, I have to wonder what is left that we don't already seem to know about.

For starters we already know the various content re: armies, and no I am not a Black Templars player ( but I am a Space Wolf the wait goes on for almost another year!), the codex is bigger, new rules, new content , new structure??

Models - new character models, new vehicles, newly revamped units and actual new units such as the marine inside the marine known  as "centurions".

WD also "officially" released tomorrow will no doubt whore its many aspects, tempting players new and perhaps inquisitive returnees...

For myself, I will take a casual glance and perhaps get WD this month, the novelty wears off unless the content is attractive so "meh" lets see but if anything it feels like a real anti-climax , oh.. and another thing that relates to the online only offers, in UK sterling at least, £8,500 for a complete Chapter, really...what the F*%k, someone within the walls of GW clearly has laid out a wager on selling one, by all accounts no discount.

Anyways, 15 mins  now remaining before geeks around the world marvel at the repeatedly seen same images that we have all seen over the last few weeks just that little bit more "official"...

Enjoy, personally I await the return of the Dark Elves, rumoured at least for October prior to November seeing yet another 40K release for the Nids..


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