Officially as per time of typing there is 20 minutes remaining before the "official" release of notification at least covering the new Space Marine release with the brand spanking new codex and an assortment of miniatures.
For what will undoubtedly be GW biggest release for WH40K since the new edition came out last year, I have to wonder what is left that we don't already seem to know about.
For starters we already know the various content re: armies, and no I am not a Black Templars player ( but I am a Space Wolf the wait goes on for almost another year!), the codex is bigger, new rules, new content , new structure??
Models - new character models, new vehicles, newly revamped units and actual new units such as the marine inside the marine known as "centurions".
WD also "officially" released tomorrow will no doubt whore its many aspects, tempting players new and perhaps inquisitive returnees...
For myself, I will take a casual glance and perhaps get WD this month, the novelty wears off unless the content is attractive so "meh" lets see but if anything it feels like a real anti-climax , oh.. and another thing that relates to the online only offers, in UK sterling at least, £8,500 for a complete Chapter, really...what the F*%k, someone within the walls of GW clearly has laid out a wager on selling one, by all accounts no discount.
Anyways, 15 mins now remaining before geeks around the world marvel at the repeatedly seen same images that we have all seen over the last few weeks just that little bit more "official"...
Enjoy, personally I await the return of the Dark Elves, rumoured at least for October prior to November seeing yet another 40K release for the Nids..
A blog about all things of the Warhammer World for gaming, painting and collecting. Since starting this I have also now started to play X-Wing....
Friday, 30 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Wave 3 X-Wing ships ** INCOMING **....
Having digested the news that notably the best player of my football team( at least last season) has now been sold off to the Spanish for £93M + player exchange ( goes by the name of Fabio), I thought perhaps take a moment to catch up where we are in the gaming world as of today.
Incidentally, aren't the Spanish supposed to be bankrupt in Europe, along with the Irish, Italians, totally the Greeks ( now owned by ze Germans!) and possibly good ol'blighty based upon how much loose change I DON'T have in my pocket each month...
So Warhammer, nothing new past the torrent of the last week as WH40K strides on with the Space Marines launching in September in a much larger codex than others incorporating the Black Templars, much to the general descent of the gaming world, although I thought that they were one of the least played forces??.Nids due in "Nidvember" ( see what I did there) with good old cnnon fooder in the form of the Imperial Guard and Orks due to follow in early 2014.. on top of that rumours now persist of 9th edition with Orcs n'Gobbos matching up to the Forces of the Empire in the 9th edition battleset due Summer 2014.
Two points on the latter, i) been there done that combo before.. & ii) still waiting for update to the Brets &Wood Elves as well as Dark Elves ( although rumoured as next launch).
Something more akin to timing this week is the launch of wave 3 of the X-wing minatures. This time around the release wave will consist of the rebel B-Wing, HWK something ..., TIE bomber and certainly what caught my attention the Lambda Class Shuttle. The latter is a larger ship with real foldable wings (lets have an "ooooohhh" please) and gamewise has a zero move as a red manoeuvre!! Hmm...emergency brake procedure introduced...
In the UK seemingly the launch date is 23/8 ( that's 8/23 for anyone on the other side of the Pond - who no doubt already have their models from Gen Con anyway by now) although a local independent is telling me they have been delayed ( again!) until October. Personally I have heard of allocation, which based upon Wave 2, was to be expected but this does not temper the anticipation although I for one will avoid paying the "sharkes" on ebay for 2-3 times plus full rrp. Even now I see the Y-Wing from Wave 1 going for over £30 ( 45-48USD)!!!
Each wave introduces new "things" and seemingly Wave 3 will be no different with ship systems coming into play and what would also be some very dodgy looking movement dials, full of red manoeuvres and missing the obvious. For example the TIE bomber can move 4 straight yet if it wants to loop straight back at yer it has a 5 ( bendy arrow thing).
A couple (or three) images below...
Refreshingly FFG own site is happy to preview its own products so further information can be ascertained off the site as well as further images. News following GenCon is that 2014 will see the arrival of the larger ships by which I mean the Rebel Transporter, last seen legging it from Hoth with a couple of X-Wings when the Imperials turned up as well as a model of the doomed craft that we are introduced to at the beginning of Star Wars IV... Based upon GenCon photos they are pretty pricey, albeit nice looking models but 60 & 80 USD seems steep , let alone the amount of space needed as clearly a 3x3ft area barely holds these craft...
Lets see what news follows..
Incidentally, aren't the Spanish supposed to be bankrupt in Europe, along with the Irish, Italians, totally the Greeks ( now owned by ze Germans!) and possibly good ol'blighty based upon how much loose change I DON'T have in my pocket each month...
So Warhammer, nothing new past the torrent of the last week as WH40K strides on with the Space Marines launching in September in a much larger codex than others incorporating the Black Templars, much to the general descent of the gaming world, although I thought that they were one of the least played forces??.Nids due in "Nidvember" ( see what I did there) with good old cnnon fooder in the form of the Imperial Guard and Orks due to follow in early 2014.. on top of that rumours now persist of 9th edition with Orcs n'Gobbos matching up to the Forces of the Empire in the 9th edition battleset due Summer 2014.
Two points on the latter, i) been there done that combo before.. & ii) still waiting for update to the Brets &Wood Elves as well as Dark Elves ( although rumoured as next launch).
Something more akin to timing this week is the launch of wave 3 of the X-wing minatures. This time around the release wave will consist of the rebel B-Wing, HWK something ..., TIE bomber and certainly what caught my attention the Lambda Class Shuttle. The latter is a larger ship with real foldable wings (lets have an "ooooohhh" please) and gamewise has a zero move as a red manoeuvre!! Hmm...emergency brake procedure introduced...
In the UK seemingly the launch date is 23/8 ( that's 8/23 for anyone on the other side of the Pond - who no doubt already have their models from Gen Con anyway by now) although a local independent is telling me they have been delayed ( again!) until October. Personally I have heard of allocation, which based upon Wave 2, was to be expected but this does not temper the anticipation although I for one will avoid paying the "sharkes" on ebay for 2-3 times plus full rrp. Even now I see the Y-Wing from Wave 1 going for over £30 ( 45-48USD)!!!
Each wave introduces new "things" and seemingly Wave 3 will be no different with ship systems coming into play and what would also be some very dodgy looking movement dials, full of red manoeuvres and missing the obvious. For example the TIE bomber can move 4 straight yet if it wants to loop straight back at yer it has a 5 ( bendy arrow thing).
A couple (or three) images below...
Refreshingly FFG own site is happy to preview its own products so further information can be ascertained off the site as well as further images. News following GenCon is that 2014 will see the arrival of the larger ships by which I mean the Rebel Transporter, last seen legging it from Hoth with a couple of X-Wings when the Imperials turned up as well as a model of the doomed craft that we are introduced to at the beginning of Star Wars IV... Based upon GenCon photos they are pretty pricey, albeit nice looking models but 60 & 80 USD seems steep , let alone the amount of space needed as clearly a 3x3ft area barely holds these craft...
Lets see what news follows..
Friday, 16 August 2013
Wargaming Releases in 2013..
Currently there would appear to be a lot of activity across the board as various manufacturers and game systems provide updates, expansions, supplements and new additions to numerous ranges.
GW appears to have dramatically changed tact this year offering a very much sped up schedule for updating the Codex for 6th edition as well as the addition of supplements , which based upon rumour would warrant several more in the next few months. Even the poorer cousin of Warhammer ( WFB) is seeing additional army books, perhaps more balanced than ever before in a gaming sense and fluff sense...
Too many times I see comments by gamers apparently moaning and complaining that their army has nerfed or someone elses army is broken beyond repair but is this really the case for WFB and WH40K? Too many times, it seems, are people looking for that "auto win", the one button or combo that gurantees victory.. the holy grail. The reproach would be that good generals win games and make good use of the army at their disposal , a good general does not make a bad army good??...
In short, the game is and should be , firstly played for fun, so calm down on being so serious..its not real and the end of the world will not happen because your Chaos Warriors were flattened by rocks and bolts from the greenskin horde or the Skaven that blew themselves up rather than their enemy. I do not and never have played tournaments and probably never will, especially with the over zealous "comping" sometimes seen in various competitions, worse case the game is no longer Warhammer when it dicates what can and cannot be taken.
The current meta allows for monstrous beasts and cavalry, allowing GW ti produce larger models than previous and take the system to another level. The cynical retort that GW wants to charge more and force people to spend more, on one hand, yes - absolutely , they are a business and need to make profits. On the other hand you don't have to buy it or if you do, buy in a way that works for you. Independent stores and the internet allow for discounts of around 10-25%, perhaps 30% at times, but choose carefully as not all merchants offer the same level of service and delivery. Certainly true in the UK where a couple of names are well known for good discounts but delivery of around 3-4 weeks+ with little or poor communication, whilst on the other hand other traders exist that offer delivery within 24 hours and still offer good discounts and loyalty schemes.
I for one, happily use Element Games and would strongly recommend to anyone else , for items available I have NEVER seen delivery over 24 hours.
So whereas GW appears to be stepping up, also adding to E-codexs, both as e-books and interactive books through iOS, kicking out new army book/codex, supplements and new model kits they are not alone.
Privateer Press are also expanding the world of Warmachine and Hordes with version 2 after 10 years, new models, new supplements with Dropzone commander also releasing a 2 player starter set. Fantasy Flight games also are working hard with new releases of legacy games such as Talisman ( yes, I played that one back in early edition) and one of my favourites "X-wing". Way too many to list as monetary funds ( for all of us!) is limited so I try to avoid temptation and stick to core systems, namely Warhammer and now X-wing. Both Warhammer games have multiple armies and fortunately for WFB I have my new books and for WH40K await the Space Wolves in 2014, NOT the new SM book ( I hope!)...
So next time you are commenting on forums or threads or just having a discussion, remember to focus on the positives and what drives the hobby which over the years has migrated to computer and console games, the big screen in some cases or perhaps in the future. If Bilbo Baggins could write his sign of choice , n doubt it would be "No Trolls allowed.."
Until next time..
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Painting Update :13th August
Managed to grab a couple of hours today for some brush time and focused on my Chaos Chariot for base coating the gorebeast as well as additional parts of the chariot construction for base and initial wash. Painting the chariot in sections (pinning na d putting onto wire via a cork for holding sections) with the crew further ahead although may well change the second crewman to a helmeted rider over the beak like appearance he currently has. Also setting up the base for wasteland to tie in with theme of the main army.
Also working on my lord on manticore and recently made the wings a deep purple followed by inking ( AV paints) with a view to creating crackling fingers of blue lighting on the wings. Further work needed on the armour and shield of the rider but coming on , with further modification to the base, maybe to add a further accessory ( or victim) to the base.
For the new High Elf force the Loremaster had some metallic added and will assemble further as not put together yet as I wanted to make it easier to paint all sections.
I am now using more thinned down coats of various base coats which provide a smoother finish, takes more time and I will probably focus more on character models but gives a better and cleaner finish so worth it I think.
Image below shows mixed parts, not great picture but will hopefully get nearer to completion on some outstanding projects so I can focus on some "escalation" project for HE to follow.
Also working on my lord on manticore and recently made the wings a deep purple followed by inking ( AV paints) with a view to creating crackling fingers of blue lighting on the wings. Further work needed on the armour and shield of the rider but coming on , with further modification to the base, maybe to add a further accessory ( or victim) to the base.
For the new High Elf force the Loremaster had some metallic added and will assemble further as not put together yet as I wanted to make it easier to paint all sections.
I am now using more thinned down coats of various base coats which provide a smoother finish, takes more time and I will probably focus more on character models but gives a better and cleaner finish so worth it I think.
Image below shows mixed parts, not great picture but will hopefully get nearer to completion on some outstanding projects so I can focus on some "escalation" project for HE to follow.
Saturday, 10 August 2013
WFB: High ElvesArmy ( 1600pts & 2000pts)
Acquired plenty of willingly recruits now for the HE push in the old world and painting for the army has begun in earnest as a token shot across the bows now has the "swordmaster" undercoated in white, using the GW spray and seemed a pretty good covering leaving all the detail.
Whilst I admit I like the Army Painter range of primers which allows many colours the GW Black and the White do apply pretty well so far in my experience whilst the Army Painter can be a bit choosy sometimes, particularly the "DRAGON RED" on a couple of occasions...
Looking to now put fixed lists in place so even more focus on what to paint.. no phoenix(s) ..nope, no model(s) yet but have mounts and foot sloggers so good ol' fashioned pre monster list , although I always have the Griffon from IOB set ..not yet assembled..
Any ideas for 1600pt and 2000pts inclusion let me know, I expect two very different lists to follow..
Will also be re-approaching 2000pts Warriors of Chaos listing as more of these models painted, mainly monstrous such as the "obligatory" Dragon Ogres ( great models but poor performers in the game??), Manticore with Lord, Giant ( used in WOC & Ogres!!), Shaggoth or could be used as Daemon Prince and also Chaos Ogres, conveniently fitting in from OK force. Gorebeast chariot now in production, pending the gorebeast itself so two steeds left over which will have some further use for...
Whilst I admit I like the Army Painter range of primers which allows many colours the GW Black and the White do apply pretty well so far in my experience whilst the Army Painter can be a bit choosy sometimes, particularly the "DRAGON RED" on a couple of occasions...
Looking to now put fixed lists in place so even more focus on what to paint.. no phoenix(s) ..nope, no model(s) yet but have mounts and foot sloggers so good ol' fashioned pre monster list , although I always have the Griffon from IOB set ..not yet assembled..
Any ideas for 1600pt and 2000pts inclusion let me know, I expect two very different lists to follow..
Will also be re-approaching 2000pts Warriors of Chaos listing as more of these models painted, mainly monstrous such as the "obligatory" Dragon Ogres ( great models but poor performers in the game??), Manticore with Lord, Giant ( used in WOC & Ogres!!), Shaggoth or could be used as Daemon Prince and also Chaos Ogres, conveniently fitting in from OK force. Gorebeast chariot now in production, pending the gorebeast itself so two steeds left over which will have some further use for...
X-Wing: Slave 1 Expansion Pack
Slave 1 arrives...
Earlier today Slave 1 finally turns up, plenty of upgrade and new cards as well as 4 pilots with of course Boba fett in prime position for number one selection. New rules now added with "title" of spacecraft now an option ( 0 pts) which in this case adds a further upgrade, from memory I think this enable proton torpedo's...
Played a further game with asteroids and 3 x TIE and 2 x X-wing, on a points basis the rebels had nothing added whilst the Imperials had no upgrades on points but did have two Elite pilots. For those that have him, "Backstabber" is really effective when his ability comes into play, essentially +1 attack dice if opponent cannot see him in own fire arc when attacked with the other named pilot used which was "Dark Curse". Extremely difficult to nail as Focus rolls and also attack re-rolls cannot be used against him. Apply evades with your TIEs and loop an' swoop for repeated attacks, it pays off and these things are highly manoeuvrable.
Comparing the X-wings shows plenty on the manoeuvre template missing so no speed 5 in straight line and plenty of other missing number turns. 3:2 ratio expected and again three sets of guns versus 2 when for points purposes the 2 rebel ships are a rookie pilot and a Red Squadron pilot shows the merits clearly enough.
Having your opponent roll 3 evades on defence dice ( twice!) just after rolling 2 hits and a critical at a timely point in the game meant the X-wings (twice) missed their chance and to make matters worse one X-wing was forced off the table ( just) by a crafty bit of flying and quite honesty, poor judgement by the Rebel player ( me).
Will look at upgrades and abilities for next game when against ppular demand Slave-1 will join the fight, only issue now is the points as 3 TIES + Slave 1 is NOT equal to 2 X-Wings, so Y-wing&A-Wing or Millenium Falcon is needed. As stated before due to popularity planning next craft and exacting ownership are two different things...
More to follow tomorrow when Boba Fett joins in...
Earlier today Slave 1 finally turns up, plenty of upgrade and new cards as well as 4 pilots with of course Boba fett in prime position for number one selection. New rules now added with "title" of spacecraft now an option ( 0 pts) which in this case adds a further upgrade, from memory I think this enable proton torpedo's...
Played a further game with asteroids and 3 x TIE and 2 x X-wing, on a points basis the rebels had nothing added whilst the Imperials had no upgrades on points but did have two Elite pilots. For those that have him, "Backstabber" is really effective when his ability comes into play, essentially +1 attack dice if opponent cannot see him in own fire arc when attacked with the other named pilot used which was "Dark Curse". Extremely difficult to nail as Focus rolls and also attack re-rolls cannot be used against him. Apply evades with your TIEs and loop an' swoop for repeated attacks, it pays off and these things are highly manoeuvrable.
Comparing the X-wings shows plenty on the manoeuvre template missing so no speed 5 in straight line and plenty of other missing number turns. 3:2 ratio expected and again three sets of guns versus 2 when for points purposes the 2 rebel ships are a rookie pilot and a Red Squadron pilot shows the merits clearly enough.
Having your opponent roll 3 evades on defence dice ( twice!) just after rolling 2 hits and a critical at a timely point in the game meant the X-wings (twice) missed their chance and to make matters worse one X-wing was forced off the table ( just) by a crafty bit of flying and quite honesty, poor judgement by the Rebel player ( me).
Will look at upgrades and abilities for next game when against ppular demand Slave-1 will join the fight, only issue now is the points as 3 TIES + Slave 1 is NOT equal to 2 X-Wings, so Y-wing&A-Wing or Millenium Falcon is needed. As stated before due to popularity planning next craft and exacting ownership are two different things...
More to follow tomorrow when Boba Fett joins in...
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Faeit 212: Warhammer 40k News and Rumors: Detailed Space Marine Rumors are Hitting with Upda...
Faeit 212: Warhammer 40k News and Rumors: Detailed Space Marine Rumors are Hitting with Upda...: The cat is really out of the bag now, and we are off and running. We have a solid set of rumors floating around now coming in strong. Bes...
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Star Wars XWing battle report
Example of Star Wars X-Wing c/o post from SteamLichGaming, check link..
Knightmare TV Show Remake | YouTube Geek Week
This remake is a blast from the past from the 1980's...
On the painting front I am currently working on finishing off a Manticore with Chaos Lord, have undercoated (white) the Swordmasters, from the IOB box, put together the elven steeds for some Silver Helms and also working on advancing the Chariot Chariot ( will be with Gorebeast) and also the Elven loremaster...phew..time to actually finish a few of these off..
Warhammer armies focus on the new High Elves, Warriors of Chaos ( tends to be more monster themed) and my original Ogre Kingdoms , although since recuited into my Chaos horde.
That reminds me I have the IronBlaster and some Mournfang also to make. Looking forward to both as nice models, the former is very detailed and numerous parts for painting whilst the latter should hopefully combat the Chaos skullcrushers which are also due to be assembled. With further time off coming up I will hopefully get more focus to do this and work towards my goal of making Batreps ( with painted models)...
Photo light currently, more following, the attached will have to do in lieu...enjoy the artwork...
Warhammer armies focus on the new High Elves, Warriors of Chaos ( tends to be more monster themed) and my original Ogre Kingdoms , although since recuited into my Chaos horde.
That reminds me I have the IronBlaster and some Mournfang also to make. Looking forward to both as nice models, the former is very detailed and numerous parts for painting whilst the latter should hopefully combat the Chaos skullcrushers which are also due to be assembled. With further time off coming up I will hopefully get more focus to do this and work towards my goal of making Batreps ( with painted models)...
Photo light currently, more following, the attached will have to do in lieu...enjoy the artwork...
X-Wing was with me less than 17 hours after placing the order with Element Games ( so another tick in their box!).
Settled upon the core game set and also a separate X-Wing and also TIE fighter, based upon stock levels as some of this range is like "Gold Dust". This also means I get the additional pilots as upgrades as opposed to doubling up on the core set. One comment I would make straight away regarding the level of contents are that a further dice set are needed as 6 dice ( 3 for attack and agility) are not enough.
The box itself is sturdy and feels substancial, as do the card counters. There is no feel of thin flimsy cardboard or a low quality and the same can be said for the cards and miniatures. You can obtain cases for both the Pilot cards and also upgrade/damage cards as per all this games without issue from your local hobby store or indeed online. The models appear very fragile so suggest protective packaging whilst not in use, detail and appearance adds to the game.
The game itself is quick to pick up, again more so due to the Tutorial videos that Fantasy Flight have on their web site which also includes a PDF of the rulebook! The game also is pretty addictive once you get into it and start building up your own squadrons with the various craft and pilot as well as upgrades - all via a points cost system. The former is limited to 3 TIE and 2 X-Wing but plays out okay with several named pilots including Luke Skywalker, Wedge and Biggs from the Star Wars film(s). Likewise the Imperials have named pilots although if you want the likes of Darth Vader you will need to get the Advanced TIE fighter model!
All of this leads to the need for "more" and with wave 3 on the horizon later this month ( although latest indications warrant a delay until October!) there are plenty of models to choose from. I should have mentioned I have "SLAVE-1" enroute, expected this week ( from a different supplier) so looking forward to playing Boba Fett.
Will put further pictures and details up as I progress, its a game worth playing...
Settled upon the core game set and also a separate X-Wing and also TIE fighter, based upon stock levels as some of this range is like "Gold Dust". This also means I get the additional pilots as upgrades as opposed to doubling up on the core set. One comment I would make straight away regarding the level of contents are that a further dice set are needed as 6 dice ( 3 for attack and agility) are not enough.
The box itself is sturdy and feels substancial, as do the card counters. There is no feel of thin flimsy cardboard or a low quality and the same can be said for the cards and miniatures. You can obtain cases for both the Pilot cards and also upgrade/damage cards as per all this games without issue from your local hobby store or indeed online. The models appear very fragile so suggest protective packaging whilst not in use, detail and appearance adds to the game.
The game itself is quick to pick up, again more so due to the Tutorial videos that Fantasy Flight have on their web site which also includes a PDF of the rulebook! The game also is pretty addictive once you get into it and start building up your own squadrons with the various craft and pilot as well as upgrades - all via a points cost system. The former is limited to 3 TIE and 2 X-Wing but plays out okay with several named pilots including Luke Skywalker, Wedge and Biggs from the Star Wars film(s). Likewise the Imperials have named pilots although if you want the likes of Darth Vader you will need to get the Advanced TIE fighter model!
All of this leads to the need for "more" and with wave 3 on the horizon later this month ( although latest indications warrant a delay until October!) there are plenty of models to choose from. I should have mentioned I have "SLAVE-1" enroute, expected this week ( from a different supplier) so looking forward to playing Boba Fett.
Will put further pictures and details up as I progress, its a game worth playing...
Friday, 2 August 2013
X-Wing™ Complete Tutorial
Ordered X-Wing today with a couple of the expansion sets, allowing for stock availability and Wave 3 hitting the market in the next 3 weeks+/-. Good support and outline of the game on the website re: Fantasy Flight Games, including a download of the rules in PDF and now some recent FAQ and tournament rules. If lucky may see tomorrow...
Thursday, 1 August 2013
High Elves - Paint Scheme
Scheme will be based upon Chrace, certainly for the chariots that will become lion chariots and also the White Lions. In addition the archers and spearmen will also take a scheme similar to that shown below. Just got hold of a NEW Uniforms & Heraldry HE book for -50% on ebay ( lucky find & auction!). See images below:-
Additionally the KORHIL model has now been tweaked and 'ardcoat added to gems. Not 100% happy with overall look but will keep it for now.
Scheme will be based upon Chrace, certainly for the chariots that will become lion chariots and also the White Lions. In addition the archers and spearmen will also take a scheme similar to that shown below. Just got hold of a NEW Uniforms & Heraldry HE book for -50% on ebay ( lucky find & auction!). See images below:-
Additionally the KORHIL model has now been tweaked and 'ardcoat added to gems. Not 100% happy with overall look but will keep it for now.
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