Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Trip to Warhammer World

After best part of 3 months I am back to update the blog and also take it (finally) in more of a set direction for content. Over the kast few months, particularly model wise I have been painting and assembling a past "stock" of models and in siome cases selling off and clearing down to make room for fresh plastic "crack".

Reason is two-fold, i) allow honing of painting skills, self improvement and practice means better and more painted ( & finished !) models hitting the table, which leads onto ii) actually playing games!

Over the last 3 months I have been gaming with friends and also via local gaming clubs, mainly WFB and also more recently WH40K again. This has led to WFB now composing of a sizable DARK ELF army and also a DWARF force ( un-played as in assembly and painting station!). I have enjoyed playing the DE so far and have now focused more on a core force I like to use ( 1500-2500pts used to date). It has NO Witch Elves and only recently have I even used Reaper bolt throwers preferring a more manoeuvrable and solid force where possible. More to follow.

As for WH40K I spent the day with friends at Warhammer World on Monday where forces from Iron hands, White Scars, Space Wolves clashed with Eldar, Dark Eldar. Imperial Knights made an appearance, in my first game I took on 3 in one force! By turn 3 they were all dead! The "beast pack" ruled the day as the Dark Eldar/Eldar took on and won through all the games.

Regarding the gallery a lot of models seemed to be out for photographs and no doubt future WD battle reports or codex inclusion. These covered Dark Elves, Cadian troops ( IG or Astra Militarium!) and Daemons. As I am currently working on Dwarfs I took a few images for inspiration. As always the models in "the flesh" are so much better than images can portray on the web or via WD.

If you have not been and ever can go, well worth a visit...