Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Trip to Warhammer World

After best part of 3 months I am back to update the blog and also take it (finally) in more of a set direction for content. Over the kast few months, particularly model wise I have been painting and assembling a past "stock" of models and in siome cases selling off and clearing down to make room for fresh plastic "crack".

Reason is two-fold, i) allow honing of painting skills, self improvement and practice means better and more painted ( & finished !) models hitting the table, which leads onto ii) actually playing games!

Over the last 3 months I have been gaming with friends and also via local gaming clubs, mainly WFB and also more recently WH40K again. This has led to WFB now composing of a sizable DARK ELF army and also a DWARF force ( un-played as in assembly and painting station!). I have enjoyed playing the DE so far and have now focused more on a core force I like to use ( 1500-2500pts used to date). It has NO Witch Elves and only recently have I even used Reaper bolt throwers preferring a more manoeuvrable and solid force where possible. More to follow.

As for WH40K I spent the day with friends at Warhammer World on Monday where forces from Iron hands, White Scars, Space Wolves clashed with Eldar, Dark Eldar. Imperial Knights made an appearance, in my first game I took on 3 in one force! By turn 3 they were all dead! The "beast pack" ruled the day as the Dark Eldar/Eldar took on and won through all the games.

Regarding the gallery a lot of models seemed to be out for photographs and no doubt future WD battle reports or codex inclusion. These covered Dark Elves, Cadian troops ( IG or Astra Militarium!) and Daemons. As I am currently working on Dwarfs I took a few images for inspiration. As always the models in "the flesh" are so much better than images can portray on the web or via WD.

If you have not been and ever can go, well worth a visit...

Friday, 24 January 2014

WFB: Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen (23.1.14)

Finally, got back to getting a game in with my WOC army last night. It was a pick up game as I was supposed to be playing Empire but my opponent did not show up, so did a quick 1000pt battle on a 4 x4 board against Lizardmen ,as smaller forces only were available from previous Triumph & Treachery game in store...

< Sorry no photos as limited time and all from memory >

The army I used was based upon the models I managed to grab and then manipulated to fit the points value. Minimal in number, no wizards and plenty of big things instead. Marauders were used for the following reasons:

i) at the time I could not find my Chaos Warrior unit..
ii) wanted more "feet on the table" as lower cost than warriors..
iii) felt they needed some level of redemption as not used for a while due to increased points.

*Army list* ( NOT highly competitive - fun only!)

1 exalted hero with standard kit & enchanted shield ( joined Marauders)
14 marauders with light armour & shield + banner
5 Warhounds (with poisoned attacks)
1 Chaos chariot ( steeds)
5 Chaos Knights with ensorcelled weapons
3 Dragon Ogres with 2 handed weapons ( LOVE the models, again, felt element of redemption needed!)
1 Chaos Giant

Now I have NEVER played Lizardmen although since the newer book a couple of armies have appeared so as well as lack of observation I am not sure on the units. Army roughly consisted of 2 units of Skinks, 1with priest , a block of warriors with a saurus warrior and priest , a salamander and 3  handlers and a bastilidon with the "beam weapon".

Chaos went 2nd and we surged forward with the heavy hitters as no ranged combat or magic so needed to get into combat as soon as possible. The giant charged and scared off one unit f skinks with a priest and they kept running in their own following turn, finally rallying just short of the board edge afterwards. The chariot raced up a hill missing the salamander unit but gearing up for a rear charge on the saurus warriors to follow. In the meantime the hounds had marched up with the second unit of skinks taking refuge in a building. The Knights took damage from magic as they moved into the saurus warriors including ice shard &wind blast ( moved them back into the path of the Dragon Ogres who could then not charge!). Most of the game my dispel rolls worked pretty well but due to no wizards lacked the number of dice.

The knights engaged the saurus warriors ( my charge) and did terribly, my Dragon ogres made mincemeat of a salamander unit before succumbing to blow pipes, javelins and magic in the next turn. My giant was pretty impressive making his charge to the flank of the bastilidon and in the two rounds of combat undertaken decided to firstly yell & brawl followed by complete destruction after making full use of his club ( aka - fallen tree) to squish what seemed like some form of beetle to him..

The marauders were shifted around somewhat engaging the saurus warriors after the demise of the Knights, with my hero despatching the priest and the marauders actually not doing too bad in combat, although saving throws when applicable let them down.

The game ended up with a final charge of the marauders getting back with the saurus warriors, following multiple combats and losing the entire unit ( just under 200pts at the time left!) to a single EGG which can be found in the Lizardmen artefacts and costs 30pts. The result on a table rolled was 2D6 S5 hits, effectively no save for the marauders as light armour & shield against -2 modifier.

...and Yes you guessed it, he rolled a double 6 for 12, yes 12 hits, ALL wounding ( majority killing immediately as no save) and my exalted hero rolled 2 x "1"s and a "2"...

Good game to get back into it, after the game I realised my stomps from the dragon ogres were forgotten when in combat ( would not really have mattered) and in my rejoice at the exalted hero killing the priest I forgot to roll on the Eye of the Gods table.. I literally only realised whilst typing this up, so will roll now... here goes... rolled a total of a 4 - UNHOLY RESILIENCE, +1T, not bad..maybe would have helped...who knows!!

Oh , before I forget, whatever happened to the Giant, well, he continued to make use of this club swiping away a rank of warriors before the Saurus hero brought him down with a poisoned weapon. Sadly the giant fell backwards so resulted in a new hill more than a lizardman crater...

I will continue my assembly work on my new Dark Elves with wave 2 being delivered tomorrow so will see further reinforcements in the form of some Warlocks, witch elves, executioners and some more bleakswords.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

**Breaking News** - The end of White Dwarf is nigh.....

The following extract has been taken from Natfka's faeit212 blog and covers the imminent release of news surrounding the "death" of White Dwarf and a change to  a new larger monthly "hobby based" publication and a weekly roundup perhaps remaining as the glossy sales brochure.. read as below:


" White Dwarf Magazine as a monthly release is no more. Gone and replaced by a new weekly magazine called White Dwarf Visions. There is also a new monthly magazine called 'Warhammer' Visions. This will all happen immediately.

Gone is the iconic White Dwarf magazine, and the announcement is right around the corner coming as of this Saturday.

Two independent sources have confirmed this that have been reliable, but even so, this must remain a rumor until the official announcement.

This looks like a strong move towards the future with more hobby and community oriented material for White Dwarf and new possibilities for a new magazine, which right now we know very little. I will update with more information as I can.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
There will be an announcement this Saturday. The monthly White Dwarf magazine is history. There will be a small weekly white dwarf magazine and a new monthly magazine, called "warhammer: visions", 230 pages strong(!!!). This will start in February.

Also there is a meeting in February for every European "black shirt" in England. Maybe for the new GW website, including FW. :)

via a must be kept anonymous source on Faeit 212
As a heads up, you're going to be getting emails about "weekly white dwarf mini magazines."
It's called White Dwarf Visions and it's true.
They will focus on talking about the hobby and community more so than being a sales magazine."

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Codex: Tyranids - New Releases 2 (GW/WH40K)

Further video from GW covering the new tyranids; will be looking to order this week for release at the weekend for a new WH40K army for 2014. Ideally will also be starting a new WFB army later in the year pending further army book releases / possible 9th edition update ( or not??).