Wednesday, 27 November 2013

White Scars - Addition of the first unit ( Landspeeder 1 )

Been a while and the land speeder shown below is an example why, has not really been the weather for spraying the primer when I am around currently so spent equally as much time thinking up the order of painting. As the force will initially comprise of an allied contigent, the options are limited , also based upon available models.

Looking at a bike squad with attack bike, have upgrades for WS specific riders , tact squad and also a command squad ( with Razorback) will feature.

Having tested out the speeder in a game allied with Space wolves and up against an Eldar force I can advise that the speeder was routinely despatched in turn 1 by a Falcon tank whilst game 2 saw the speeder deployed less aggressively and miss in each of the shooting phases of turns 1 -3. By turn 4 following the demise of a Wave Serpent due to the sustained fire from a SW Predator, the incumbent Fire Dragons managed to melt the speeder as it strayed too close.

Nothing an instruction manual and an advanced driving/piloting course cannot correct as well as addition of a secondary weapon. NEVER take a speeder with only one weapon..

Pics below