Friday, 13 September 2013

How to paint Eldar Dire Avengers pt.2

How to paint Eldar Dire Avengers pt.1

Official Eldar Codex Review!

Check out this review from StrikingScorpion82...for those that don't know the channel, it has by far the best batreps (40K), showcases and painting tutorials around.

***INCOMING MESSAGE..."Xenos detected, send help...they came from nowhere..we had no chance.. they... " * D E A D *

Having a slight jig around currently based upon a determination to actually get a fully painted force, in this instance reduce an over staffed HE listing down somewhat to an elite collection of Chracians whilst at the same time considering options for a foe worthy of the Space Wolves, only another 8-10 months to go before the "rumoured" new codex hits..

So flavour of this month is:
WOC - gain a couple of detachments of Chaos Ogres..
HIGH ELVES = partial reduction

Balance transferred into a future variant if the HE, yes,,the Eldar return this month, already conscription has started and tactics are in progress to capture further objectives to follow. Two words only at this stage..Saim Hann... after this weekend I hope to have news of the Craftworlders ...

In the meantime here are some images from Warhammer World versions of the red blurs themselves..

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Warhammer World & Citadel Miniatures Showcase

Last week was a busy one as I was attending a conference for work in York which at times was pretty drawn out both in content and delivery. As an aside the City itself which was on my doorstep of the hotel is a great place to visit with many restaurants, bars and history to the place. making use of technology with an app on the phone tied in with a map for the various locations proved of great use.

On the way back on the Friday, having finished earlier than expected I thought I would call into Warhammer World, having never had the chance to do so with Nottingham probably around best part of 3 hours from where I live.

Having first been greeted by a Ultramarine Rhino nestling in the car park itself, followed by an Uruk hai ( spelling??) from Lord Of the Rings I proceeded to the floor where the Miniatures showcase existed. Having passed the 8 foot high Ultramarine on this floor, ( the Smurfs seem to rule this place) I eagerly entered the room..

Now I would like to think I am a keen painter, even if my eyes are often bigger than my brush ( no inneuendo implied!) but the sheer scale and quality of the miniatures on show is amazing. Glass case after glass case follows in a sizable room of WH40K, WFB and Lord Of the Rings, the centre piece being the scene of the tyranids attacking the Space Wolf haven of the Fang, which itself attended one of the UK Gamesdays in recent years.

I had the room to myself and spent a while digesting and snapping images of applicable minaitures both for reference to my own long queue of "works in progress" and complete admiration. In person the skill levels are unbelievable and the room was full of colour and competing armies...

To the Conspiracy theorists amongst you, the missing minaitures all appeared to be from the WH40K range with Dark Eldar pretty well all disappeared as well as signs indicating that Tyranids and Orks were in use , although bulk seemed in place so I would think a batrep will no doubt appear in the enxt 3-4 months specifically with these models in White Dwarf. Not sure if November ( rumoured for Tyranids) and even Q1 2014 ( rumoured for Orks) would be applicable for codex shots in White Dwarf as no doubt these have been long actioned..

A few shots ( sorry about quality...) below..

If you have never been and like the hobby side re:painting/modelling as  much as the gaming ( table galore onsite in the great hall!!) well worth a visit...however be aware of the store as some snotty nosed school YTS employee will be on you in seconds.. ; )